


figure drawing class week 1&2

model: steve

model: steve

model: robert

model: robert

last week i started a figure drawing class at the university craft center. after mohan mentioned taking a drawing class i felt nostalgic and missed figure drawing sessions that were meditative & great way to develop skills. these are some of the drawings from the first and second week of class. the first two are from last night. i had just made it back-into-town from the Internet Librarian conference (was a blast!!!) and had some blue folders (michele and i found in dumpster) which i decided to draw on. i also used a ball point pen.

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nautical is nice is a sort of metaphor for working to create a seaworthy sustainable creative life.

this blog is like a visit to my studio, illustrating ideas i'm working through and work in progress along with the everyday crafty and occasional note of that which inspires. i have begun posting finished and long-term projects to the 'gallery' linked-to above.
