


danah boyd speaks

i often read danah boyd's blog. she's become well known for her research on myspace and writes lots of nice techno-cultural musings with emphasis on social software.
always glad to hear her take on things yet my appreciation has been taken to a whole new level of high after watching video accessed here:
ibiblio speaker series: a discussion with danah boyd
it took a very long time to download yet is well worth the wait, topics covered include:
myspace, friendster (history of use)
physical & online space (emphasis on teen's)
homeless population's use of technology
moral panic (online predators)
social norms & social software (status, balancing conflicting social identities)

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look it up~
go to gallery~

nautical is nice is a sort of metaphor for working to create a seaworthy sustainable creative life.

this blog is like a visit to my studio, illustrating ideas i'm working through and work in progress along with the everyday crafty and occasional note of that which inspires. i have begun posting finished and long-term projects to the 'gallery' linked-to above.
