


altoid nano case

too warm for nano-mitts now so i made an altoid carrier. saw this done elsewhere (and when i find site again i will post). used the original packaging for nano as padding, the ribbon is to lift nano out from a snug fit and the white stuff is cotton with white ink to keep it from spreading. a fun and easy diy.

here's the site.

on the topic of diy here's how to make your very own geodesic dome dwelling out of cardboard. think i need to start a cardboard directory.


ljushuset said...

That is awsome!
I have a homemade one too, I'll have to take pics for you.
BTW, i found the perfect phone booth for you in Vancouver, and I didn't have a camera. What a shame.
You don't know me, but scroll my blog and you'll see a familiar face

learn to swim said...

yes, it was a surprisingly quick and effective project.
thanks for telling me of familiar faced pictures. they were very nice to see.
that is great that you thought of taking picture even if without camera. i can always use more!


look it up~
go to gallery~

nautical is nice is a sort of metaphor for working to create a seaworthy sustainable creative life.

this blog is like a visit to my studio, illustrating ideas i'm working through and work in progress along with the everyday crafty and occasional note of that which inspires. i have begun posting finished and long-term projects to the 'gallery' linked-to above.
